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Migrating existing TornadoVM applications to TornadoVM v0.15

Writer's picture: Thanos StratikopoulosThanos Stratikopoulos

TornadoVM 0.15 introduced changes at the API level with the aim of making the exposed operations more comprehensive to the programmers. It is imperative afterall to get an understanding of how to use the TornadoVM API, as it includes very powerful operations, such as expressing parallelism, chaining Java methods (tasks) for deployment on heterogeneous hardware, configuration of the data transfers, etc. This blog has the following objectives:

  • Provide guidelines regarding how existing TornadoVM programs can migrate to use the TornadoVM v0.15 API.

  • Provide examples on how to exploit the new operations that are exposed by the new TornadoVM API.


1. TornadoVM Programming Model

TornadoVM uses a programming model that derives from the state-of-the-art programming models of heterogeneous hardware accelerators, such as OpenCL, Level Zero, and CUDA. A key aspect for software applications that require to offload computations for hardware acceleration

is that they are composed of two parts:

  • the host code, which includes the core software part of the application and it is typically executed on the CPU.

  • the accelerated code, which corresponds to the method that will perform data processing on a hardware accelerator device.

Note: This blog focuses on the changes that are required to migrate applications that use the TornadoVM API (prior to v0.15). All changes concern only the host code. Therefore for the accelerated code we point you to the documentation that shows how to express parallelism within a method.

The execution model of TornadoVM includes three main steps:

  1. Transfer data from host to the accelerator.

  2. Parallel data processing on the accelerator.

  3. Transfer the result data from the accelerator to the host.

To follow the TornadoVM execution model, a programmer needs to use:

  • the TaskGraph object for the definition of the data to be transferred and the processing,

  • the TornadoExecutionPlan object for the configuration of the execution.


2. TornadoVM TaskGraphs: What to run on a device?

TaskGraphs (or formerly known as TaskSchedules) are used in TornadoVM as a way to define the TornadoVM execution model within the host code. This is a TornadoVM object that is exposed to Java programmers and enables them to configure which data have to be transferred between the host and a device (Steps 1 and 3) and which Java method will be offloaded for hardware acceleration (Step 2).

Therefore, this object is meant to address the question of “which code is marked for acceleration?”.

A very important feature that has been released in TornadoVM v0.15 is the ability to configure how often the input or output data need to be transferred between the host and a device. This operation can be different based on the characteristics of the applications and it can have a high impact in both the execution time and the energy efficiency of the applications.

Note for code-migration: To migrate existing TornadoVM applications to the new v0.15 API, you can replace the existing TaskSchedule objects in your program with the TaskGraph objects with the following changes regarding how data is transferred from the host to the device, and vice-versa.

The following code snippet creates a new TaskGraph:

TaskGraph taskGraph = new TaskGraph(“name”);

2.1. Definition of data to be transferred to device

The TaskGraph API defines a method, named transferToDevice to set which arrays need to be transferred to the target device. This method receives two types of arguments:

  1. Data Transfer Mode:

    1. EVERY_EXECUTION: Data is transferred from the host to the device every time a TaskGraph is executed. This corresponds to the streaming of data as it was expressed via the streamIn() method in the TornadoVM API < 0.15.

    2. FIRST_EXECUTION: Data is only transferred the first time a TaskGraph is executed.

  2. All input arrays needed to be transferred from the host to the device.

The following code snippet sets one input array (input) to be transferred from the host to the device every time a TaskGraph is executed.

taskGraph.transferToDevice(DataTransferMode.EVERY_EXECUTION, input);

Note for migration: The streamIn() and copyIn() methods of TornadoVM API (prior to v0.15) need to be replaced with the transferToDevice() method, and the first parameter has to be configured accordingly. If your program was using streamIn(), then data was moved in every execution, and you will have to use DataTransferMode.EVERY_EXECUTION. If your program was using the copyIn() method or no method to define the input, then data was moved only during the first execution. So, you have to use the DataTransferMode.FIRST_EXECUTION mode.

2.2. Definition of the accelerated code for data processing

This part remains the same as in the previous TornadoVM API. A Java method that is meant to be offloaded for hardware acceleration corresponds to a task, which has inputs and outputs. A TaskGraph can contain one or more tasks which can be chained for execution on a target device.

A task can be defined as follows:

taskGraph.task(“sample”, Class::methodA, input, output);

Note: The data in the transferToHost and transferToDevice methods, define the data flow between one or multiple tasks in a TaskGraph. In case data from one task is going to be consumed by another task, then it will be persisted into the device’s memory and no copy will be involved. Unless, the data is also passed in the transferToHost method. The TornadoVM runtime stores which data is associated with the corresponding data transfer mode, and it will perform the actual data transfers only during the execution of the task by the execution plan.

2.3. Definition of data to be transferred to host

The TaskGraph API defines a method, named transferToHost to set which arrays need to be transferred back to the host code. This method receives two types of arguments:

  1. Data Transfer Mode:

    1. EVERY_EXECUTION: Data is transferred from the device back to the host every time a TaskGraph is executed. This corresponds to the streaming of data as it was expressed via the streamOut() method in the TornadoVM API < 0.15.

    2. USER_DEFINED: Data is marked to be transferred only under the demand of the programmer and via the ExecutionResult (Section 5). This is an optimization for programmers that plan to execute a TaskGraph multiple times and do not require to copy the resulting data in every execution.

  2. All output arrays needed to be transferred from the device back to the host.

The following code snippet sets one output array (output) to be transferred from the device back to the host every time a TaskGraph is executed.

taskGraph.transferToHost(DataTransferMode.EVERY_EXECUTION, output);

Note for migration: The streamOut() and copyOut() methods of TornadoVM API (prior to v0.15) need to be replaced with the transferToHost() method and the first parameter has to be configured accordingly. If your program was using streamOut(), then data was moved in every execution, and you will have to use DataTransferMode.EVERY_EXECUTION.


3. Create an Immutable TaskGraph

Once a TaskGraph is defined, and the programmer is confident that the shape of the TaskGraph will not be altered, then it is necessary to capture a snapshot of the TaskGraph which will return an object of type ImmutableTaskGraph.

This is a very simple process:

ImmutableTaskGraph itg = taskGraph.snapshot();

An immutable task graph cannot be modified. Thus, if programmers need to update a task graph, they can modify the original TaskGraph object and re-invoke the snapshot method again to obtain a new ImmutableTaskGraph object.

Note: This is a new feature that ensures that different shapes of a TaskGraph can co-exist in the same application. The benefit is that code (e.g., OpenCL, PTX, SPIR-V) is generated only for each snapshot of a TaskGraph, which allows programmers to invoke different versions of a TaskGraph without triggering re-compilation.


4. Build, Optimize and Execute an Execution Plan

The last step is the creation of an execution plan. This is a new feature of TornadoVM v0.15. The execution of a TaskGraph (former TaskSchedule) is decoupled from the TaskGraph, and it is configured via the TornadoExecutionPlan object. An execution plan in TornadoVM is a Java object with which developers can change runtime behavior and define runtime optimizations for all immutable tasks graphs that belong to the same execution plan. Some examples are: configuring the targeted device, enabling/disabling the profiler, and enabling the dynamic reconfiguration.

A TornadoExecutionPlan object accepts one or multiple immutable task graphs, as follows:

TornadoExecutionPlan executionPlan = new TornadoExecutionPlan(itg);

4.1. What can be done with an execution plan?

An execution plan can be executed directly, in which case TornadoVM will apply a list of default optimizations (e.g., it will run on the default device, using the default thread scheduler).


Note: The default device is the first device that is identified by the TornadoVM runtime. This device is identified with the "0:0" identifier if a programmer runs the command:

tornado --devices

Note: The default scheduler is configured by the TornadoVM runtime and refers to the global and local work-group sizes that are launched per generated kernel. The default configuration of a scheduler depends on the device type (e.g., CPU, GPU, FPGA).

4.2. How can an application be optimized with an execution plan?

The TornadoExecutionPlan object offers a set of methods that programmers can use to configure the execution plans and apply various optimizations. Note that the execution plan is applied for all immutable task graphs that are given in the constructor.

Beneath is an example of an execution plan that contains three additional configurations, including: i) the execution with the TornadoVM profiler enabled; ii) the application of warm-up execution which performs the compilation of the code and its installation in the code cache; and iii) the definition of the device to use for acceleration.

The configuration part is as follows:

// Select a particular device using the driver and device ids 
// (from driver with id 1, the device 0).
// These identifiers are obtained by running "tornado --devices"
TornadoDevice device = getTornadoRuntime().getDriver(1).getDevice(0);

executionPlan.withProfiler(ProfilerMode.SILENT) // Enable TornadoVM Profiler
       .withWarmUp() //  Perform a warm-up
       .withDevice(device); // Select a specific device

And the execution is launched as follows:


Note for migration: The execute() method that was exposed in the TaskSchedule object of TornadoVM API (prior to v0.15) needs to be replaced with: i) the creation of a TornadoExecutionPlan object that accepts the corresponding ImmutableTaskGraph object as input; and ii) the invocation of the execute method of the generated execution plan.


5. Obtain the result and the profiling information

Every time an execution plan is executed, a new object of type TornadoExecutionResult is created. This object can be used to:

  • query the profiling information obtained from the TornadoVM profiler (if it is enabled in the execution plan - Section 4).

  • transfer the output data from the device to the host if the DataTransferMode.USER_DEFINED has been used in the definition of a TaskGraph. In this case, programmers must check whether the execution of all tasks within the TaskGraph is complete, via invoking the isReady() method.

An execution result can be used, as follows:

TornadoExecutionResult executionResult = executionPlan.execute();
TornadoProfilerResult profilerResult = executionResult.getProfilerResult();

6. Further reading and examples

The TornadoVM modules for the tornado-unittests and the tornado-examples contain a list of diverse applications that showcase how to use the new TornadoVM API. For more information see here. The content of this blog has been presented in FOSDEM' 23.

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